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  • Writer's pictureKristine Carter

7 Things to Add Love to Your Valentine's Holiday

First I want to apologize that its been a while since I wrote here. The last month has been a busy one, but I am so excited for this post, because Valentines Day is a favorite of mine!

I have always loved Valentines Day. I loved picking out cute valentines for my classmates, and reading through each one with my class list by my side so I could choose the perfect slogan for each individual student. I have always been the sentimental type to, so you bet I added personalization's to my best friends' valentines' and whether they were sweet or funny, it was my young way of embracing my sentimental side.

As I've gotten older Valentines definitely gained a theme of romance and for a couple years it altered how I experienced Valentines Day, but not how I felt about it. I still loved it and thought it was so sweet, but I didn't really do anything to celebrate it because I thought you had to have a significant other in order for it to apply to you. And maybe for the romance part of the holiday, that remains true, but there are so many amazing ways to celebrate Valentine's Day that I think apply to every single person.

For the last month, I have been pondering ways I can really dive into what Valentines day is about for me, and how I can help others feel the same love for the day--married, dating or single. Here's what I came up with:

1. Go out of your way to help someone else every day, and doing as much as you can anonymously.

Whether its picking up the neighbors trash can that blew over, offering to pay for someone's groceries, putting a sweet note on someone's car, little things can make a big difference! Make sure you actually go out of your way, because the tiniest "inconvenience" that becomes a nice act will change your life.

2. Leave a love note everyday.

Could be a bedside note for your love, could be a daily text to your childhood best friend, or your mom, but write a meaningful love note everyday. This will brighten up someone's day, but learning to ponder the things you love about someone everyday will absolutely brighten up the light inside of you. It takes 21 repetitions to make something a habit, right? February is 28 days, at least this year, so you'll be able to form a habit of seeing something you love in someone else which will have lasting impacts on your life.

2. Stop Complaining.

Easy to say right? Definitely not easy to do. I have been the worst at this lately and yet if I would have gotten a peak into my life now, even just 2 years ago, I would probably say I have nothing to complain about. So I am working to un-find the complaints of my day, and find the blessings. Becoming thoughtful about what you say will not only benefit everyone around you, but it will benefit you the most. So no more complaining. No more ranting. No more "talking bad" about your professor, your spouse, your children, no more.

But make sure you're balanced, and not just holding it all back until you get angry. Communication with others is so important, but if for example you wanted to say "You never do x, y and z" turn it into an "I" statement. "I would really like it if you could help me with x, y and z." or "It would mean a lot to me to have your help on this" etc.

However, in most situations, complaining is just complaining and doesn't do anything for you. Learn to let go of those thoughts. Don't even write them down just to delete it, because your still letting your brain view your situation in a negative way. Learn to let it go completely, and replace it with gratitude.

3. Teach someone something!

Giving gifts feels wonderful, but granting someone the gift of understanding is incredible for both teacher and student. Try it!

4. Treat yourself to something you've been thinking about doing.

Finally trying that new restaurant you've been wanting to try, getting your nails done for no reason, starting your business, booking a flight to that place you can't get your mind off of, getting a massage that's been overdue for years, renovating your kitchen, going on a hike you used to love but haven't done in years, forgiving someone...etc. There is a long long list of things you can do to treat yourself, and ultimately it comes down to what you have really been wanting to do, and just going for it.

5. Try a new DIY

Now your probably think I'm crazy. But y'all, there is nothing quite like the child-like pride you feel when you beautify something yourself. Whether its paining your front door, or making a card, try something new and feel that little spark it gives you!

6. Become inspired

Read a book, listen to daily scriptures or talks, take in a new view with as little worldly noise as possible, feel that inspired feeling once a day. It will change your life.

7. Give what you love

Take someone flowers! I personally LOVE this gesture and think its the sweetest ever, so whenever I do it for someone else it feels just as amazing as when someone does it for me, because I know I'm offering them that same joy. But maybe for you, its new pair of socks that brings the biggest smile to your face, so give someone a pair of socks! There is power in giving something you personally love to someone you love.

7.5. Come up with something to make this month special, on your own.

I can tell you what means lots to me all day and strongly advise that you try it, but coming up with something all from your own brain and following through with that is such a fun process that will brighten so many lives, including yours.

To summarize, Valentines Day can be a whole lifestyle! Sharing the love, helping yourself by helping others, increasing your own quality of life by loving those around you-- it will all come together to make this month a great one despite everything going on in your own life.

Let's love one another. Let's love ourselves. Let's love Valentines Day.

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